Smh… Y’all have me out here thinking about running for office, lol.

James Warren
5 min readNov 6, 2024


I say that only half-jokingly. Because the truth is, for those of us who believe in something better for all of us, we’re going to have to figure out what we need to do, individually and collectively, to create that better experience that we believe in.

Because even though this result is what we have, this is not it.

This was always bigger than an election from my perspective.

Multigenerational problems don’t get fixed in an election cycle.

Decades of division and centuries of inequity don’t get fixed in an election cycle.

This is about being honest about who we are — who this country is — so we can decide who and what we want to be. And we will not make it if we do not figure this out.

I think a lot of people are so desperate to hold on to what they have or used to have, they’ll do anything to keep it, even when it threatens my existence and my ability to thrive. Even when it threatens their own.

I think our past is holding us back and we have to let it go — all of us — to create a much better future.

I think that future is a new form of culture. One that is not predicated so much on rugged individualism and the belief people can do anything they want on their own, and that by wanting it, they deserve it, and by deserving it, then when they achieve it, it is destiny for them to have it, regardless of the cost.

No, I think the new culture will be totally interdependent. It’s a return to older ways, where our survival was truly dependent on one another.

It will be a place of deeper connection and genuine belonging to one another. To us.

Not like it is now.

So that’s where my head’s at, today.

And now, I’m going to practice grace and peace. For you and for me. For your kids and mine. If you’re grieving, I’m right there with you. If you’re anxious, I’m right there with you. If you’re hoping for a better tomorrow, I’m right there with you. And I’m going to be grateful for the clarity of purpose that this moment will soon reveal. I’m going to take one day at a time, with the Serenity Prayer as my mantra. I won’t give in to the hate, because my heart can’t take it. And I’m going to rest a little bit because it’s so clear we have a lot of work to do.

And I’m going to reflect on the dream and vision I know so many of us share for our collective future. I don’t know what it means politically or even how our current structures and systems can manifest it. But I know that we can dream bigger and do better.

I dream that we will be a country that’s more loved than feared — because love endures and builds the strongest foundations.

I dream that America will be a place that embraces racial and gender equity, and cultural inclusion. Racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia… they aren’t just personal prejudices; they are also deeply ingrained systems of oppression that weaken our culture and literally deplete us of who we are collectively, reducing our creativity, our energy, our time, our capacity for connection, and our physical and emotional well-being. I dream the end of these things, so we might reach our fullest potential together.

I dream that we learn to focus on healing ourselves, together. Then we might be able to show up in the world with decency and kindness in ways that are not hypocritical. Let’s choose courage, humility, and honor, and let’s turn our backs on fear and division in favor of faith in our shared future.

I dream that we are honest about what success and achievement look like, what they take and how we ought to celebrate them. I hope for a day where we recognize those who achieve despite great personal struggles and obstacles, not just those who convert privilege into tangible success.

I dream that our zip codes will not predetermine access to a safe, secure, fulfilling life, the way it does today for far too many of us. I dream that we can create meaningful pathways to self-sufficiency, and economic well-being for all Americans who want to be part of our shared journey, ensuring that opportunity isn’t just a promise but a reality. I dream that I can have a level of success and so can you, and that in doing so, we do not have to sacrifice the well-being of others.

I dream of a place where everyone is free to love who they love, and we are all able to maintain control over our own bodies. I dream that our love for God, however you define God, would not prevent our love for one another.

I dream of a time when we will abandon fear and division, in favor of love. More love. Dear God, more love, please.

I dream that we will be respected because we respect ourselves and those who seek refuge here. That wanting to be part of what we have here is celebrated rather than denigrated, and that fleeing hardship and seeking aid are seen as essentially human things, rather than a basis for dehumanization. I dream that we might create the same sense of invitation, welcome and belonging to people who need a better place to live today, like we did for so many years when those arriving on our shores were coming from Europe. I dream that this will close the moral gap that haunts our nation as a result of our two original sins: this country’s systematic destruction of the Indigenous cultures of this land, and this country’s enslavement and subsequent disenfranchisement of Black people.

I dream of a place where people can be safe and healthy whether they live in a city or in the country, and that we would not lie to ourselves or each other about the reasons why some of us get to thrive while others do not. I dream that we will one day recognize the interconnection of things like healthcare, housing, jobs, education, and justice, and recognize the systemic nature of these things, and make the changes we need to make so everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

I dream of a place where we can continue to innovate, dream big and take risks to create solutions to problems that people face. To give our kids and grandkids a better environment. To celebrate art, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship with purpose.

Finally, I dream of a place where making sacrifices for each other isn’t weak. It’s strong. Where focusing on the big picture and long-term are a practice of the heart and the mind once again. Where we are not reduced to winners and losers. Where we are not each other’s enemies.

I dream of a time and place when and where America is, once and for all, for all of us.

And it’s okay if for now, you just want to dream a little bit with me about what is to come, one day.

And when we have both dreamed long enough, we will wake up.

And we will get to work.

Because there is work to do.

Love y’all. Mean it.



James Warren
James Warren

Written by James Warren

Founder, Share More Stories and VP Brand Strategy, JMI. Brands, culture, community, connection, insights, storytelling, strategy.

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